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Joseph Minor

In seeing a digital world explode, Joseph invested his writing in the field of technology over 8 years ago. As a leading-content creator, he believes in clarity, credibility and writing topics people want to read. From blockchain to Web3.0, Joseph sees no shortage of developments as crypto pushes forward. He’s become a voice in technology that people can trust and look forward to hearing more from.


Studied economics at Rowan University

Professional Achievements

Joseph's career achievements include studying economics and maintaining consistent profit increases for his clients

Avis déposé par Joseph Minor

Good News On the Security of Crypto!

Good News On the Security of Crypto!

The crypto industry is raving about the security of crypto.  Though some platforms are STILL dealing with the o...
Tether’s Rise—Too Good To Be True? 

Tether’s Rise—Too Good To Be True? 

Tether's rise is disproving the market.  Let the naysayer have their say, but what Tether is actually doing spe...
How do I open a Binance account?

How do I open a Binance account?

If you're a simple cryptocurrency enthusiast or even an established investor in these digital assets, you're bound to h...
So What’s Next for Bitcoin? 

So What’s Next for Bitcoin? 

What's next for Bitcoin is pending on a few factors, but any moment could change things.  The market is playing...
A Summary of the Crypto Market

A Summary of the Crypto Market

Summing up the crypto market this week was exciting but no small feat.  We wonder how market events relied on B...
The Pending Delays In Bitcoin’s Halving

The Pending Delays In Bitcoin’s Halving

We told you before, but still, the long-awaited event of Bitcoin’s halving has pending delays. No one knew exactly ...
Kraken’s Play Into the U.S. Market

Kraken’s Play Into the U.S. Market

Kraken's play is a move that will put it higher on the hierarchical scale of the crypto market. You might know the exch...
What?! Is Bitcoin Ready for $250,000?

What?! Is Bitcoin Ready for $250,000?

With Bitcoin ready to half in about five to seven days, venture capitalist Tim Draper suggests that it will see prices ...
The Promise Behind PepeCoin’s Rally

The Promise Behind PepeCoin’s Rally

PepeCoin, the meme coin known as a green toad, drawn through a pixelated-paint software, has rallied since March, and i...
The World’s Largest Banks Fight Over Crypto

The World’s Largest Banks Fight Over Crypto

Two of the largest institutions in the financial market are making a commotion in crypto. As crypto legitimizes itse...
A “Ripple” In the Market of Stablecoins

A “Ripple” In the Market of Stablecoins

Ripple, the payment processor, is pushing its market share into a more "stable place." With the likes of Tether and...
A Market Shockwave From Dogecoin

A Market Shockwave From Dogecoin

If you like Dogecoin as much as Elon Musk, then you might consider investing in Twitter.  We won’t brag about g...
The 30-Day Countdown On Bitcoin and Ether

The 30-Day Countdown On Bitcoin and Ether

Two of the most widely owned crypto coins are not only picking up steam in the financial markets but are undergoing a t...
“Tokenization” Rips Through the Market

“Tokenization” Rips Through the Market

The idea behind stable coins that pay yields might not be leading in popularity, but they've reached enough of a market...
BlackRock Makes a Grab at Tokenized Assets

BlackRock Makes a Grab at Tokenized Assets

If you’re the last person to know about BlackRock, then consider its investments in the global infrastructure of crypto...
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